
Merry (almost) Christmas!

I am currently sitting in my bed, robe on, and coffee in my hand, reading through old blog posts. I have totally redid my blog by, changing pictures, updating links, changing the layout and of course, the colors! Let me know what you think.

I hope all of my followers are doing well, I have been on a roller coaster since I went back to school, but what is going on is a private matter, so my apologies, and I hope in the New Year I will be writing and creating amazing things fir my future and of course my blogs future.

With some other news, I am also filming a lot more too. So on my links page, go check out my YouTube channel, where I am going to be posting things after the holidays, so please go subscribe to that.

In more fashion related updates, I am going through a MASSIVE clothing change. My style is pretty much the same, but I am giving away tons of clothes and also doing a lot of donating of clothes as well. I am planning on, after the holidays, to do a post on here about my favorite fashion pieces and more style related things.

I need to go get ready for a Christmas Party, so I will talk to you all very soon!

Stay Fabulous~ xoxo Sydney

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